01 November 2006

Out of the Mouth Comes the Issues of the Heart

It's surreal to think that John Kerry has "sort of" stepped back into the arena of politics -- and what a great job he did in showing the venomous thoughts and attitudes that are in his heart for the Republicans recently. Now, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, if you really listened to his speech, his rebuttals, his comments to his accusers, you SHOULD BE worried about someone like that leading our country. The anger he carries is disconcerting.

There probably isn't any one person who approves or agrees with everything that President Bush has done or said in the past six years; however, he's out there, putting himself on the line for our country in more ways than we can imagine. He's a pro-active president, making decisions and acting on them - whether we think them right or wrong, I don't see him spending a whole lot of his time blasting those who oppose him. It has been done, it's true; but it's not his main or even secondary agenda.

Our country is in a mess, politically, religiously, ethically, morally, and financially. That's a given. Did one man take it to its present condition? Absolutely not. It's the way of the world, it's the descent of mankind falling into the depravity we were born in. It's human nature at its worse. And, according to my Bible, it's not going to get much better. For the record, I do believe that there is MUCH we can do to encourage and improve the condition of our country, but ranting and raving does nothing but produce more ranting and raving. Where is the compassion, the purposeful and analytical solutions to some of our problems? Does no one have any?

I have read blog after blog and heard comment after comment about Bush -- good Christians criticizing our President in public (I consider the internet public) with vehemence and vigor. Might I remind them of what the book of Romans says about giving respect to public authority? Perhaps they interpret those verses in a different way. I don't. They are pretty clear cut verses. What are we teaching the next generation to do?

When Bill Clinton was in office, the hoopla was almost the same. The very ones that derailed Clinton for some of his unbelievable shenanigans are doing the same to Bush now. It's true. Think about it. There are those who believe they are God's gift to us by using their power of verbiage to sting, entertain, enlighten, and charge our leaders in front of a pack of panting extremists (left or right).

That's exactly the attitude I saw in the Clinton-Wallace interview when Clinton threw his missiles of the heart out for the world to see, and just a couple of days ago when Kerry made his "stuck in Iraq" statement.

Out of our mouths will come what we are really like deep down in our heart -- IF we talk long enough, loud enough, and continue to feed off an audience of likeminded codgers.

I'm sick of it all -- on both sides!