27 January 2006

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Every ailment, every syndome, every cause and effect pertaining to our health has a name now. What's the name of that syndrome that plagues people in the winter? I can't remember, but I do remember the first time I read about it. It's not that I don't believe it's real, but I also do not believe it is as simple to just give it a medically-correct name and then just accept it and do nothing to remedy it! Even worse, taking some kind of synthetic drug for it seems overkill (at least to me). Oftentimes, with our health and medical situations, we seem to feel better -- relieved, mind you -- if someone will just name our ailment and give us some colored pills in a bottle. Why is that?

I am a strong advocate for health - healthy eating, healthy lifestyle, healthy thinking... Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with low blood sugar problems. Before the relief of finding out what was ailing me, I was a basket case, believe me! We were in West Africa at the time in a bush village, but there was an American missionary doctor in our town. He concluded that either I was having a nervous breakdown or I was entering early menopause. Neither of those seemed palatable to me for obvious reasons (even though, considering what was going on in our life and ministry at the time and the history of females in my family - either could have been a possiblity), so I kept searching for a more soothing diagnosis.

My father, at the age of 49 or so, contracted type-2 diabetes -- mostly due to poor choices in foods and eating habits during his adult life. The doctor that finally concluded I had reactive hypoglycemia said that it is basically just one short step towards diabetes. That did it! I did NOT want that. If it was a choice, I was choosing hmmm....no! No diabetes. I started doing research on low-blood sugar, high blood sugar, and all the ends and out of both.

It was ten years ago when I chose health -not just for me, but if I was going down that path, obviously my family would go with me. It's no fun alone! Admittedly, the first three years or so were hard as I began weaning my family off some of their comfort foods, unhealthy snacks, and desserts. There was much wailing and gnashing of the teeth, let me tell you! But I prevailed, because I had been given a second chance and a personal conviction from God that healthy eating, a healthy lifestyle, healthy choices, would bring more strength and stamina to my ministry and family. It was just a win-win situation! Now, my family has been reined in pretty well on most things. However, for three of them, there is one thing sacred that I could not wrestle away from them - chocolate. I was smart enough not to try. Now, there is evidence that chocolate (the dark kind with little or not sugar) has great health benefits. But I'll leave that one for another blog.

Another conviction of mine is that traditional medicine and treatments most of the time only put bandaids on the root cause of disease and such. I am NOT against traditional medicine in some cases, but I do believe that especially in these days of rising cost of treatments and insurance, a more practical, economic approach is to take control of your body, understand what's going on inside your body, and how it can best be remedied.

When we were in Africa and had small children, we mainly lived in small bush towns. There were no doctors that I would have dreamed of taking my children to! Someone gave me a copy of the missionary's alternative to healthcare called, Where There is No Doctor". That was the beginning of my passion for learning about what goes on inside our bodies, how to understand symptoms, and how to treat basic and not-so-basic ailments with basic medicines, herbs, timed healing (letting it work its way out), and home remedies. Even here in America, my family doesn't rush to the doctor with the slightest sniffle or fever. In the past ten years, God has allowed me to read, confer, research, and reference so many diseases and such. I am thankful that He has imparted His wisdom and given me the passion to understand how the body works and how best it can be put back on track, sometimes with practical or natural provisions.

There is a time and place for traditional medicine, and that's why I am very excited about the new wave of medical treatment centers using the term, "Integrative medicine". That is simply the use of traditional and alternative (acupuncture, acupressure, herbal, homeopathic, chiropractic, and many others, including nutrition) treatments in the best way possible to heal the body. Finally, it seems that American medical experts are realizing why Europe and other countries have known for decades (and centuries). Our bodies know best.

So, if you feel yourself succumbing to that winter syndrom that I can't remember the name, your body is most likely going to turn towards the sunshine more (open blinds and curtains or buy one of those "Tru-light" lamps and sit under it). Drink orange juice, concentrate on citrus because the color is the color of sunlight (I know that sounds crazy, but it's true!), light happy music, and a warm fire. Add flowers to your table and warm, energetic colors to the rooms you frequent the most! Colors of the sun or nature, anything that displays light of any kind would be beneficial to the body during these short days of winter.

I got off on this rampage today simply because I am home, the sun is shining beautifully in my windows, the cat is basking in the sun rays (he doesn't seemed plagues with that syndrome!), and I am enjoying a warm fire in the hearth.

Anyone join me for a cup of oj??

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