08 March 2006

Makeup Mania

Well, it has finally happened. Perhaps it has happened somewhere else before, but just this morning I was reading my "daily fix" from BBC World News and saw it.

First of all, how many of you ladies out there are guilty of this? (If you are a guy and guilty of this, I don't want to know) You're running late, you dash out of the house, get in your car, and head down the busy streets to wherever.... On the way, you glance in your rearview mirror -- not really to check traffic behind you (smile, you know it's true) -- and you are reminded of what you did not have time to finish in the house. You're following me, aren't you?

You fiddle in your purse or makeup kit, take out the mascara, bend the rearview mirror more to your liking, and you proceed to finish the fine tuning of your face. With quick, absent-minded glances to the road every once in a while, we work until we are satisfied that our face is what we want it to be (at least for now).

How many times have you seen it? Ladies whisking away at their eyebrows or eyelashes while their cars hover omniously on the white lines. Yes, I am guilty, too.

Well, in England, in a small town called "Mold" (I'm not kidding), Ms. Maddock was "busted" for doing just that. Did someone turn her in? Was there a cop sitting beside the street that saw her? No, it was a speed camera. It caught Ms. Maddock with BOTH hands off the wheel (while I have been guilty of driving handless, it's never been for makeup). What looks like a compact in one hand and mascara in the other. The camera follows her through traffic for as long as possible. She was fined 200 pounds for this offense and six points put on her record! Was her license suspended. No, not this time. That had been done just the week before for a DUI!

Check the story out at:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/north_west/4785686.stm

And safe driving, you makeup maniacs!! You never know when someone may be watching!

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