04 June 2006

What in the World?

Al Gore is wanting us to know that he's probably not going to be running for president in '08. Who's asking? And who really cares? Do we really want to relive all that?
And would he stand a chance against the former first lady?http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,198102,00.html

What's all the hype about 6-6-06? Well, if you are superstitious or ultra-religious, you might want to read something into those numbers. Actually, I find it the most interesting that a town named HELL in Michigan is going to make some money off these numbers!http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,198104,00.html

What in the world were these college students thinking they would accomplish by entering a large balloon filled with helium? A dare? A moment of exhiliration and excitement? This is so sad and such unnecessary deaths. What is it about some kids in their 20's that make them think they are invincible, immortal?

Perhaps the most sobering article in this blog. Pakistan is banning The DaVinci Code as to not be offensive to the extremely small minority of Christian under its sovereignty? Plus, they (even Muslim leaders) take offense to how Christ (to them an important prophet of Allah) is portrayed in the movie. And in America, how many theaters are showing this movie? This is irony at its darkest hour.

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