While missionaries in West Africa, one of the most somber things that we saw was the Muslim fathers on Fridays taking their little boys by the hands and attending Friday prayers. Most of the little boys were wearing long white robes just like their fathers. They listened to the Imman with the same fury and fascination as did their fathers.
In some ways, these Muslim fathers are just like we Christian parents are (or should be). So much of the teaching that we do is by example, by involving them in the important parts of our lives, and helping them to be exposed to the things that really matter in life. However, that is where the similarities end. In Africa and other countries (I won't speak for American Muslim families since I am not as familar with their routines), Muslim fathers desire that their sons are interjected with the same passion for fulfilling Mohammed's vendetta by fueling hatred for anyone who speaks against or opposes Islam. Believe me, it is taught at a very early age.
The above picture was taken just this week in Palestine during a celebration/memorial service of 10 years since the 100 Palestinian civilians were killed in Qana by Israeli soldiers. As you can see, it is not only grown men involved in these remembrance ceremonies. Boys with intense anger written all over their faces are also included in this. Many of them, as in the picture, dressed just like their fathers.
A sobering thought that Muslim fathers might be more faithful and proactive in helping their children remember things that are important to them more so than we Christians do with our children. If our children are going to be able to live strongly and endure in a world filled with so much passion, intensity, hatred, and complexities, we need to be doing more as parents. We need to actively teach, live, celebrate, and breath our faith, our beliefs, our convictions -- and we need to do it with our children.
The Vatican has had its hands full for quite some time. Now, there seems to be more dissension on the use of condoms in the case of AIDs patients. While a segment of the cardinals and clergy are sticking with the traditional "anything that prohibits reproduction between a male and female during sexual intercourse is wrong in the sight of God and the Church", there is a growing sect of cardinals and priests that biting at the bit to change this thinking. Instead of me rephrasing the whole article, if you are interested, you can follow this link and read it for yourself. I just find it interesting and disconcerting on many levels. I'll watch the story and perhaps make other comments on it at a later time.
Evolutionists will stop at nothing to attempt to prove their theories. Just recently t

Jeff is preparing for a missions trip to Brazil - this will be his first trip to South America. He's very excited about seeing what God is doing in that part of the world.
And why is it that soccer (the sport of choice for my youngest daughter) can be played in the mud and the rain and other sports can't? Don't mind me, I'm just a little disgruntled because I'll undoubtedly attend a soccer game this afternoon in just those conditions! But I am Lauren's #1 fan, so gotta do it!!
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